Asian American Community Fund of Pennsylvania
AACFPA is the first statewide organization dedicated to celebrating and empowering Asian American communities across the Commonwealth.
Formed by leaders across diverse communities who have spent decades uplifting their communities, the AACFPA supports local Asian American associations and organizations to bring people together, celebrate cultures and traditions, and promote civic engagement to ensure that Pennsylvania is a safe and welcoming home for AAPI communities.
Our team approached this partnership with a deep interest in learning, listening, and researching. It was important to our process that we meaningfully chose references and conceptual directions that represented and highlighted the communities that AACFPA serves.

We built a brand that drew inspiration from art making practices across many different asian cultures and techniques. The modularity of the logo mark and subsequent brand elements allows flexibility and creativity in the brand. The website is built to grow with AACFPA through housing their accomplishments, their community highlights, and their grantmaking programs.

Next project
Movement Law Lab
We embedded ourselves in the MLL team to facilitate workshops to define a verbal and visual identity focused on working with lawyers in the service of social justice.