A communication design agency forged on the principle that the same persuasive techniques used in marketing and advertising can, and should, be used to advance the greater good.

Our approach to doing exceptional work is centered on a collaborative process rooted in listening and learning.

We are research-steeped, idea-oriented strategists and designers with a sincere love of open-minded exploration and real-world parameters. At Tandem, we invest deeply in our clients’ causes and in turn develop trust over the long term.

As seasoned practitioners of communication design, we believe successful outcomes are a matter of thorough understanding in equal measure to exacting skills.

Our Work

  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

    Our work with AOC began as a scrappy grassroots effort and evolved into a once-in-a-generation cultural phenomenon. More →

  • Sunrise Movement

    Sunrise Movement

    We worked shoulder to shoulder with the Sunrise team to reinforce a communication system that will scale with the ambition of the organizers that power it. More →

  • University Settlement

    University Settlement

    Each year we design and produce University Settlement’s Annual Report to highlight their outstanding work in the community. More →

  • Green New Deal

    Green New Deal

    The task was to make the Green New Deal a kitchen table conversation, so we set out to make this ambitious vision relatable and inspiring. More →

  • Asian American Community Fund of Pennsylvania

    Asian American Community Fund of Pennsylvania

    Our team partnered with AACFPA to create a strong visual identity that was representative of the many communities they serve. More →

  • Planned Parenthood

    Planned Parenthood

    We worked with Planned Parenthood to raise their voice in the face of a direct threat to the right to family planning. More →

  • Audiation


    We crafted an engaging and durable set of communication tools for this Peabody Award-nominated audio production studio. More →
