Sunrise Movement
Sunrise is building a movement of young people across race and class to stop the climate crisis and win a Green New Deal.
Sunrise Movement went from a ragtag group of activist disrupters to a verifiable force to be reckoned with. Now that they have their seat at the table, it’s time for Sunrise to prepare for their next phase. As a part of their 2.0 strategy plan, Sunrise tapped Tandem to help them build tool sets for their widespread advocacy network.
We refined and built upon the Sunrise brand to create a visual system that is welcoming, powerful, and usable across the many different organizers within the movement.

This process involved expanding their tool set and sub-brands to create vibrant and variable visuals that engage high schoolers and local communities across the country. It was essential that the brand was collaborative and easy to distribute. We balanced creating bold visuals with deployable techniques to all for various levels of expression and skill sets.
Sunrise is a growing community of engaged young people working towards a better future. Together we built tools to communicate and build on their momentum for years to come.

Next project
Progressive Turnout Project
We teamed up with the largest voter contact organization in the country to create a brand that would rally the vote, cycle after cycle.